Thursday, September 10, 2015


If we want to achieve extraordinary results and fulfillment.
We need a new system of thinking, a way to focus immediately on the results that are most important to us in our lives.
Instead of focusing you on what it is we need to do, we should first focus on what it is we really want. We must think in terms of results
Having a clear result or outcome and consistently focusing on it immediately changes your behavior.

For example, can you remember the last time you were caught up in an argument? Maybe you forgot what you were even arguing about—yet you knew inside you had to win! What if, in the middle of that argument, you asked yourself, “What result do I really want from this?” You would have realized that your outcome was not to argue, but to create a resolution. This simple shift in focus would have immediately changed the direction of the communication, and would have likely moved you from a state of arguing toward a focus on resolution

Remember: Whatever you focus on, you will feel and experience at a stronger level. If you focus on why you have so many problems in your life, you will surely be able to come up with a long list of reasons. If you focus on all the activities that are keeping you busy, you’ll find yourself continuously adding more and more to your list. Focus on the results you are committed to, and you’ll find yourself consistently moving toward the result you’re after—and very often accomplishing them with a much shorter to-do list than you expected. 

Sunday, January 11, 2015

First tandem skydive at deland skydive

Went Skydiving in Deland on the weekend with a could of rugby friends. Here is the amazing video that came out of it:

Skydive Deland is a great place to do some tandem skydiving if you have never been there

The Great Bull Run - Florida

Run With Real Bulls!

The Great Bull Run can be summed up in four simple words: Running. With. Real. Bulls.

Running with the bulls
Guy getting run over
Mechanical bull riding

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Moving to Netherlands Part 1

I'd like to start this blog by telling how I ended up living in Leiden Netherlands about a month ago I got a job offer to come work in Sasseheim Netherlands for a company called sim industries. I accepted the offer and as luck may have it both my wife and I ended up getting a job in this company I went ahead and put in my last day at work in December and decided to pack up my home which included my wife my baby my 75 pound Labrador and myself and move everybody over to your now moving across the ocean to a different continent with a dog a baby alive and yourself is a little bit  challenging as I was living in Orlando there are no direct flights are easily accessible direct flights from Orlando MCO to Paris Charles de Gaulle CDG directly to the Netherlands well like I said there is not too many direct flights and also we have family in friends in Paris, so why not take this opportunity to visit them. We look for direct flights from the east coast to Paris and we found that there
was a direct flight from Atlanta and from Washington DC so we left Orlando drove 9 11 hours with a baby in the dog too Lenoir North Carolina where my mom was living we spend Christmas there had a lovely time and then finally got our tickets to fly to Paris from Atlanta we chose Atlanta because it was the closest airport from Lenoir North Carolina we bought our tickets with Air France because they still accept dogs as carry-on not carry on luggage but as check in luggage he's a little bit too big to be carry on being 75 pounds. With Air France we only had to pay 200 euros extra for him we got ourselves three seats one for my self my wife and for the baby even though the baby is only 16 months at a time of flying it makes it a lot easier and more enjoyable when all of us have to see so we drove to the airport there was some complications in the airport in the beginning because the lady with a little bit of scared of dogs of course being kind and gentle people come out and help we jumped in the airplane flew directly to Paris waiting in the airport next big question came in how do we get from the airport to Paris ever fly to Paris it can be a little nightmare to go from the airport into Paris Airport is 1 hour away so what we did is for a hundred and forty euros we hired a car and driver some of the best money we spend because like I said earlier it's not easy to travel with a baby, dog, baby carriage, dog crate and 3 -4 suitcases so the man came with his car and we had told them ahead of time that we have a lot of luggage and 4 people so we got a big minivan, all our luggage and all three of us could nicely fit in, and he also came with a baby seat. From there we were driven directly to my wifes grandma's apartment it took us four trips up and down the tiny little elevator but we were finally there we finally made it to Paris in our number two stop on our way to leiden Netherlands. Our new home for the next year